Unit Topic: Dinosaurs
Grade: 3rd
Lesson Topic: Dinosaur Web Quiz
Lesson Objectives:
Student will be able to use information taught to them about dinosaurs to answer 7 out of the 10 questions correctly on the Dino-Quiz
Instructional Techniques:

Lesson based on dinosaurs
Web based quiz
Instructional Materials:

Lesson on dinosaurs taught to the students over 2 days
Interactive quiz website
Websites with more information on the dinosaurs
Theoretical Perspective:

Website based quizzes are a good way to assess a students learning. Students are more likely to engage with the website because it offers them more ways to interact with the webpage. A regular paper quiz lacks the ability to access new information if a student is unable to answer a question correctly. This quiz offers students the opportunity to correct themselves if the answer a question wrong by allowing them to travel to a website with more information.
Procedure: (This lesson may take 2 to 3 days to complete)
Day 1:

1. Teacher will use the textbook provided in class to introduce students to dinosaurs. The teacher will introduce the different types of dinosaurs (carnivore, omnivore etc.).
2. Teacher will teach lesson about explain what time period they lived in, the climate, the terrain and what the continents looked like while the dinosaurs existed (Pangaea).
Day 2:

1. Once the teacher has introduced the students to dinosaurs they will then move to the computer lab.
2. Once the teacher is in the lab he or she can use these links to websites with more information about the dinosaurs to help guide the students in their discovery. Links.
3. Students will have the opportunity to explore these websites for about one class period to expand on their knowledge of dinosaurs.
Day 3

1. On the final day of this lesson students will be asked to return to the computer lab and complete Dino-Quiz. This quiz will test the knowledge they have gained about dinosaurs over the past two days
2. On a separate sheet of lined paper students will write 1-10 down the side.
3. As the students work through the quiz they will record how many times it took them to answer each question correctly. Then we will share

At the end of the quiz we will bring the students back together, ask them to turn off their computer monitor, and discuss how they did on the quiz. We will also ask the students which dinosaur was their favorite, and why, and ask for any other information they would like to share with the class. This will be done to see if our lesson was effective and the students gained a better understanding about dinosaurs.
Adaptation for Different Learners:

First is we will explain the directions verbally, as well as write the directions on the board.
Also if students are having difficulty with the lesson we can put them in a group with another struggling student that way they can work together to achieve the goal of the lesson.
The students will be evaluated by how well they engaged in the lesson, along with how well they did on their quiz.

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