Lesson Plan

A. Introductory Activity: Discuss with students the different cultures of the world, and ask students what they know about different cultural holidays so they can give their information for a brief amount of time.

B. Step-by-step:

  1. Begin with the introduction of the certain cultures of Muslim, Jewish, Chinese, Native American, African American, Mexican, and the United States.
  2. Introduce one major holiday for each of these cultures, and how it is celebrated.
  3. Have students write down two fActs about each of these holidays that they believe are most important.
  4. Have students explore the website to test their knowledge.

C. Closure: As a whole class, have a brief discussion on what they liked/disliked about the website as well as what they found helpful, or not helpful at all. Reflect on the different holidays and their cultures.

D. Adaptations for different learners: If there is a troubled reader, read aloud students the questions on the web pages as they go through it.

E. Homework: Write a reflection paragraph(s) on the holiday they found most interesting, which culture it belongs to, and why they found it to be their favorite.

A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

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