A. Introductory Activity: Discuss with students the different cultures of the world, and ask students what they know about different cultural holidays so they can give their information for a brief amount of time.
B. Step-by-step:
- Begin with the introduction of the certain cultures of Muslim, Jewish, Chinese, Native American, African American, Mexican, and the United States.
- Introduce one major holiday for each of these cultures, and how it is celebrated.
- Have students write down two fActs about each of these holidays that they believe are most important.
- Have students explore the website to test their knowledge.
C. Closure: As a whole class, have a brief discussion on what they liked/disliked about the website as well as what they found helpful, or not helpful at all. Reflect on the different holidays and their cultures.
D. Adaptations for different learners: If there is a troubled reader, read aloud students the questions on the web pages as they go through it.
E. Homework: Write a reflection paragraph(s) on the holiday they found most interesting, which culture it belongs to, and why they found it to be their favorite.
A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?
- Identify cultures with certain holidays: Website link for each page to go with the culture.
- Get a better understanding of what is celebrated in different countries: Website with link, pictures on each linkWe
- Understand what each holiday consists of in that culture: Websites on holiday information
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