Kelsey Caroleo and Danielle Fisher

Exploring the world

Lesson Plan Outline


Unit topic or theme: Geography

Grade level:  Seventh

Lesson topic/theme: Working with coordinates on a map

Lesson objectives:

Instructional technique: Individual work using the computers

Instructional materials: Exploring the world website, map with longitude and latitude  

Theoretical Perspective: In doing this activity students receive the opportunity to practice working with coordinates on a map. They will be provided with the chance to explore cities in other countries while answering the questions on the website.

Procedure: Students will be told to log onto their computer and go to the exploring the world website; here they will read an introduction to the website. Using the map provided students will plot the coordinates being asked about to determine what city they would be in. Students can click on the correct answer revealing additional sites to explore thae city. They can then move onto the next question when they feel ready.


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