Lesson Plan

A. Introductory Activity

  •  Students will take turns reading aloud from the textbook on the Extra Pages on Washignton DC.

B. Step-by-step

  • Students will then take turns on the computers beginning the quiz and taking their time to answer all of the questions and explore the sites provided.  Once they have finished they may raise their hand and the teacher will check the screen to see that they have finished.

C. Closure

  • When all students have completed the quiz they may return to their seats and as a group we will go over some of the places.


A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

  • Students will have completed the WebQuest and shown the completion screen to the teacher.
  • Students will have the information to discuss what they learned with the class

B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?

  • Students just click through the options without looking at them.