In the middle of North America is a huge area of land which was once covered with grasses and colorful wild flowers. The French called the rolling plains of grass "prairie", from the word for a meadow grazed by cattle. The prairies are a type of grassland dominated by herbaceous plants and grasses. Very few trees grow on the prairies and are usually widely scattered.  Although the biological diversity of the plants and animals are disappearing, these three animals still thrive in the grassland.
Which creature is the only one to hibernate during the winter season?

A grassland is a region where the average annual precipitation is great enough to support grasses, and in some areas a few trees. The precipitation is so scarce that drought and fire prevent large forests from growing. Grasses can survive fires because they grow from the bottom instead of the top. Their stems can grow again after being burned off. The soil of most grasslands is also too thin and dry for trees to survive.

A) Prairie Dog

B) Badger

C) Coyote