The Tundra is unlike any other biome. It has extremely low teperatures, little percipitation, poor nurtrients, and a short growing season. The tundra mostly circumnavigats the North pole, but there are little areas in the southern part of the hemisphere with the land covered in snow. About how long does the tundras'saverage summer season last?  

Tundra comes from the word Tunturia, meaning treeless plain. It is the world's youngest biome. It was formed 10,000 years ago, and covers about 20% of the Earth’s surface. It is one of the coldest and driest biomes. The ground can support low growing plants likes lichen and mosses. The main season in the tundra are winter and summer and spiring and fall are very short. 

A) 6-10 weeks

B) one (1)  month

C) 10 months