Arabesque - a position in which the dancer stands on one leg, straight or bent, with the other extended to the back at 90 degrees.

Assemble - a jump from one to both feet, usually landing in fifth position.

Attitude - a pose in which one leg is raised in back or in front with knee bent, usually with one arm raised.

Balance - A step that rocks from one foot to the other, usually in 3/4 time.

Ballerina - female dancer. Prima ballerina, or first dancer, is usually used for one who dances leading roles.

Ballet - classical theatrical dancing based on the danse d'ecole, the rules and vocabulary that were codified around 1700 in France.

Battement - a beating movement of the legs.

Bourree, pas de - a series of small, fast steps executed with the feet very close together.

Chasse - A sliding step in which one foot "chases" and displaces the other.

Chat, pas de - Catlike leap in which one foot follows the other into the air, knees bent; the landing is in the fifth position.

Degage - Shifting weight from one foot to the other.

Developpe - An unfolding of the leg in the air.

Five positions - The basic positions of the feet. First position: feet in a straight line, heels touching. Second position: feet in a straight line, heels apart. Third position: one foot in front of the other, parallel to it, with heel of front foot in hollow instep of back foot. Fourth position: one foot in front of the other, parallel, but apart. Fifth position: One foot in front of the other, parallel, with heel in front foot touching toe of back foot

Glissade - A gliding step which usually connects two steps.

Pique - Stepping directly onto the point of a foot.

Pirouette  - A complete turn of the body executed on one leg; the working leg is placed with the foot drawn up to the ankle or knee of the supporting leg.

Plie - A bending of the knees in any of the five positions. Demi plie: a half bending of the knees, with heels on the floor. Grand plie: a full bending of the knees.

Releve - In ballet, a rising with a spring movement to point or demi-point.