Upcoming Shows

Winter Show : December 15th and 16th

Thursday : Dress Rehersal  5-8pm

Friday: 7pm Recital

Saturday: 2pm Recital

Spring Show : June 10th and 11th

Thursday : Dress Rehersal  5-8pm

Friday: 7pm Recital

Saturday: 2pm Recital

Summer Sessions:

June 20th - August 20th
Summer Recital: Friday August 22nd at 7pm

Summer Schedule
Monday:    Kindercamp 10 am - 2pm    -    Intermediate Ballet 6-7pm    -    Anvanced Ballet 7-8pm

Tuesday :   Kindercamp 10 am - 2pm    -    Intermediate Tap and Jazz 6-7    -    Advanced Tap and Jazz    

Wednesday:    Kindercamp 10 am - 2pm    -    Intermediate Hip Hop 6-7    -    Anvanced Hip Hop


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