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Map of European Countries
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fast facts
  • Namesake: The name "Europe" comes from Greek mythology. The continent was actually named after Europa, a Phoenician princess that Zeus abducted after he assumed the form of an impressive white bull.
  • Major Languages: Languages vary greatly across the entire European continent. The 'Romance Languages' of French, Italian and Spanish are the most prevalent. English and Germanic languages are used in many places. Slavic languages are spoken in eastern Europe, and to the north, Scandinavian and Baltic languages are ubiquitous from Iceland east to European Russia.
  • Population: 731,000,000 (2008 est)
    It is the third most populous continent, after Asia and Africa
  • Population Density: 70 per sq km (181 per sq mi)

Largest European Countries By Populations: (2010 estimates)
  • Russia: 138,739,892
  • Germany: 81,471,834
  • Turkey: 78,785,548
  • France: 65,102,719
  • United Kingdom: 62,698,362
  • Italy: 61,016,804
  • Spain: 46,754,784
  • Ukraine: 45,134,707
  • Poland: 38,441,588
  • Romania: 21,904,551
  • Netherlands: 16,847,007
  • Portugal: 10,760,305
  • Greece: 10,760,136
  • Belgium 10,431,477
  • Czech Republic 10,190,213
  • Belarus 9,577,552
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