Lesson Plan Theme: FOREST ANIMALS

Lesson Objective:

1.      Learn more facts about animals by utilizing the forest quest

2.      Explore different factual sites to gain new information

3.      Record findings and share with classmates

Instructional Techniques:

1.      Independent exploration

2.      Cooperative learning


Instructional Materials:

-        Access to computer and website

-        Paper and pencil to record facts

-        Earphones


Theoretical Perspective:

            The theoretical perspective of this lesson is to inform students about animals in their environment and provide them with facts on how these animals survive. Students will gain insight on what characteristics distinguish them from other animals as part of an overall science theme. The lesson ends with safety, survival, and camping techniques to protect children in the outdoor environment where these animals live.




            1: Provide students with computers to explore this teacher created website

2. Have students first access the teacher’s homepage where a link to this website can be found

3. Explain to the students that they are to help “Red” travel through the forest to reach her Granny’s house.

4. Explain that the students are to read each description and based on their own knowledge guess what animal Red has run into.

5. For each link that the students click, instruct them to record what animal they’ve discovered and find 2 facts from the link below to record new and interesting findings. .

6. Allow the students to independently explore the website and record new finding. Let them repeat the game to explore wrong answers to gain information on other animals.

7. After about 20 minutes of independent exploration, have the students talk to their classmates in small groups about their discoveries.

8. Have every child in the class contribute one new fact they found. Each answer must be different from their classmates.

9. As a class create a  list of safety and survival tips.



For students who have learning disabilities, pair them with a highly functioning child so they can collaboratively explore and cooperate together in discovering animal facts.


            Students will be evaluated on how much they participate and engage in the activity. Their performance will be assessed on their progress and their factual recordings. Students will also be assessed on their cooperation with others and class discussions. Being able to utilize computers in education can be a resourceful tool for students to have especially when discovering new facts about things that apply to real-world situations. The only concern is the time allowed for this lesson because of the many animal links.