Great Work!
The correct answer is stop drop, drop, and roll!
It's always important to understand the concept of stop, drop, and roll.  There is always the
chance that your clothes might catch on fire and it's imporant to know what
to do in this type of situation.  When you stop it prevents the flames to spread.  
When you drop to the ground make sure you cover your eyes, nose, and mouth
with your heands for protection reasons.  When you roll make sure you roll
in a back and forth direction, make sure your legs are together.  
Please visit this website and it gives you five tips about how to actually do stop drop and roll!  Please visit this website and learn more about fire safety tipes!

Question 6: If you become scared during a fire what should you NEVER do?
A.) leave your room
B.) call 911
C.) hide under your bed
D.) carefully and quicly get out of your house using your escape plan
