Digestive System Lesson Plan

Name: Annalise Eak                                                                                  Subject: Personal Health

Grade: 3rd                                                                                           Time:

Date: December 15, 2017                          Title of Lesson: Body Systems- The Digestive System



This lesson will introduce students to the digestive system. It will include students using a teacher-created website to guide some of their learning, working with a partner to create an image of their own body and its digestive system, and describe fairly simply how each part of the system works. The Big Idea is introducing students to their digestive system and teaching them the importance of taking care of it. The Essential Question is: What are the part of the digestive system and how do they work together to complete the processes that keep our body functioning, healthy and sustained?



·      “The Digestive System” website created by Ms. Eak

·      Kids Health Digestive System website (http://kidshealth.org/en/kids/digestive-system.html

·      Notebooks

·      Pens/pencils

·      Large paper

·      Crayons, markers or colored pencils

·      Either a computer or a tablet for research and completion of the online activity

·      Worksheet for use with the online activity



1.1  Name the external and internal parts of the body and the body systems (nervous, muscular, skeletal, circulatory, respiratory, digestive, endocrine, and excretory systems)

1.7 Explain the functions of human body systems and how body systems work together.



·      Students will be able to describe, in words, the parts of the body that make up the digestive system.

·      Students will be able to draw pictures of each part of the digestive system and place it in the correct location on a self-drawn picture of their own body.



·      Digestive

·      Mouth

·      Esophagus

·      Small intestine

·      Large intestine

·      Appendix

·      Colon

·      Rectum

·      Anus

·      Stomach

·      Liver

·      Nutrients



1.     Students will be introduced to the lesson by the teacher. The teacher should give the students a brief overview of the activities that will take place. Information about this could include

2.     Students will receive a worksheet from the teacher that will guide their work through the online activity (included at the end of this lesson plan).

3.     Each student will go on a laptop or tablet, working alone, to complete the brief 7 question quiz that is online. Students should complete the worksheet as they go, turning it in at the end of the activity for a formative assessment grade.

4.     Students will then choose a partner to work with on their body outline. Teachers could also adapt this to choose partners for the class using popsicle sticks, or some other random partner generator.

5.     Following that, students will lay down in a “snow angel” type of position on the large piece of paper and have their partner outline their body using a marker of their choice. Students will switch roles (the person getting outlined will now be the drawer).

6.     After that. students will use their worksheet to draw the parts of the body that are included in the digestive system. Students should draw the parts of the body as close to realistically as possible, adding information around it as well. Teachers should encourage students to be as creative as they want. They can be encouraged to write phrases or key information around the outside of their body, but should be required to draw the parts of the body in the correct spot.

7.     If students need more information, they should be encouraged to go back online and do more research. This new research could be added to the back of their worksheet or in their notebook.

8.     At the end, students should hang up their drawings in a determined space, like out in the hall or in the classroom.

9.     The teacher should have a conversation with the class about what they learned, maybe going over the worksheet as a class.



Students will be assessed based off the worksheet they complete while doing the online assignment. This will be a formative assessment grade, graded for completion and accuracy for their own answers. Also, students will be assessed based off their self-drawings. Teachers should look for factual accuracy along with effort to get their summative grade.





 **The following is the worksheet to be completed during the online activity.**




Name:                                                                                               Date:                                        .


Use the website to complete this worksheet. After each question, there will be room to add more information that you may have learned from more intense research.


1.     What is the first part of the digestive system?




·      More information










2.     How long is the esophagus in inches?




·      More information











3.      What is something the stomach does not do?




·      More information








4.     What is the next part of the body after the stomach?




·      More information












5.     What does the liver do?




·      More information












6.     How far around, and how long is the large intestine if it’s spread out?




·      More information










7.     What are the last four small parts of the digestive system, starting from the one closest to the large intestine?




·      More information













8.     Did you learn any extra information while completing this online activity?