A. Introductory Activity
The introductory activity would the pre-quiz that the students will individually complete online.
The pre-quiz is to see what the students already know and what they need to no more about.
B. Step-by-step (descriptive outline)
- The students will individually take the pre quiz online
- After pre-quiz is completed the class will have a group discussion, led by the teacher for 15-20 minutes
- Then the teacher will divide the class up into group of three and pass out a KWL chart
- In their groups of three students will complete a KWL chart and turn it into the teacher when finished
C. Closure
- Bring KWL charts together and have students compare and contrast
D. Adaptations for different learners (i.e. non-native speakers, struggling readers or math phobic learners, students with poor study skills)
- Larger fonts for students who struggle in reading
- Both hard copy / Electronic copies of worksheets
- Instructions will be both read to them and briefly demonstrated to them
E. Homework
A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?
- Objectives will have been met if students do well on pre quiz and have a good foundation on weather and climate
B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?
- Don't know how much the students know about the topic on weather and climate
- Computers not working