Unit Topic: Traveling
Grade Level: 6th Grade Click here for Home Page
Lesson Topic: Road Trip around Cape Cod
Lesson Objectives:
The students will be able to identify different parts of Cape Cod by the end of this lesson.
Instruction Technique:
In this lesson there will be online computer work and whole class discussion.
Instructional Materials:
Website Quiz on Cape Cod
Directions Sheet
Cape Cod Worksheet
Theoretical Perspective
This information on Cape Cod is important to the students to know different parts of the state of Massachusetts. Knowing about Cape Cod, can be fun and want to inspire the students to go visit and explore the different parts of Cape Cod they learned about.
As the teacher once the students come back from lunch, I will ask them to grab a laptop from the back of the class.
Once the students grab the laptops the teacher will then start a discussion on Cape Cod, and ask them “what do you know about Cape Cod? What are some places on Cape Cod?”
As the students answers these questions we will go into a whole class discussion about the different parts. The teacher will be mentioning the different parts of Cape Cod that will be on the mini quiz the class will take.
Step- by- Step:
The students will open their laptops, and sign into them.
As the teacher you will write the name of the website on the board, and ask the students to go to the website.
Once the students are at the website the teacher will then handout the monitoring worksheet. Where the students will monitor there attempts of tires to get the correct answer and what the correct answer is.
Once the students have the direction sheet, the teacher will then proceed to tell them that this is a quiz to see how much they know about cape cod.
As the students finish the mini quiz, the teacher will hand them another worksheet that has to do with Cape Cod, and it's just a fill in the blank and coloring.
Adaptations for different learners:
For visual learners, we have the computer screen that has photos of the towns, or places in the town.
I could also have a reader, to read the mini quiz to someone if they needed assistance.
If there are students that speak a different language, I would have a translator, or have the test made in the language they are comfortable with.
As the teacher to make sure the students have met the standard of knowing the different parts of Cape Cod. The teacher will be able to check their monitoring sheets, to see how many tires it took them.
A Concern I have is that the students may not be familiar enough with computers and working alone.
Monitoring Worksheet
Name: ___________________Date:________________
Road Trip around Cape Cod.
As you take this mini quiz you will follow the directions on the website, but please complete this monitoring worksheet
Record the number of tries to complete each question, also write the correct answer on.
1. Correct Answer:______________
Number of tires: ___________
2. Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
3. Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
4.Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
5. Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
6.Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
7.Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
8.Correct Answer:____________
Number of tries:__________
Coloring Worksheet
Name:__________ Date:____________
Directions: Coloring in the different towns.