Megan Knight and Meaghan Weir

Dr. Raker

Computers in Education

December 11th, 2013


Lesson Plan Outline


Unit Topic or Theme: Science

Grade: 3rd grade


Lesson Topic or Theme: The Skeletal System

Lesson Objectives:

-       The students will be able to describe what the skeletal system is.

-       The students will be able to identify the major bones of the human body using their technical names.

-       The students will be able to explain the purpose of the major bones in the human body.

Instructional Technique:

-       Discussion

-       Lecture

-       Group Work

-       Active learning

Instructional Materials:

-       Handout on the skeletal system

-       Website worksheet

-       Skeletal system worksheet

Theoretical Perspective:

This is an important lesson to teach because it is very beneficial for the students. Learning about the human skeleton makes students more aware of themselves and the importance of taking care of their body.


A. Introductory Activity

-       The students will be asked a few questions such as, “Can anybody name some bones that they know of?”, to see what previous knowledge they have on the skeletal system.

B. Step-by-step

-       The students will be given a handout on the skeletal system that will help them understand the material.

-       The students will listen to a lecture about what the skeletal system is and the major bones of the skeletal system.

-       The students will be given a website worksheet and then will go to a computer and find the website.

-       Once they are at the website the students will go through the site and fill out the worksheet.

-       After they have completed the website worksheet they will go back to the seats for the closing activity.

C. Closure

-       The students will play a game of Simon Says lead by the teacher. The teacher will say things like, “Simon says touch your clavicle”. Everything the teacher says during the game will be related to the skeletal system.

D. Adaptations for different learners

-       To help students during this lesson, we will leave our model skeleton out for the students to refer to if they need.

-       We will walk around and help any students who might be struggling with navigating the website or are stuck on a particular question.

E. Homework

            - The students will have to complete the skeletal system worksheet that was given to them at the end of the class.


A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

-       The students will be able to describe what the skeletal system is.


We will be able to see if the students know what the skeletal system is by looking at their completed website worksheets and homework worksheet.


-       The students will be able to identify the major bones of the human body using their technical names.


We will be able to see if the students can identify the major bones by their technical names by looking at their completed website worksheet, completed homework worksheet, and by how well they perform during the game of Simon Says.


-       The students will be able to explain the purpose of the major bones in the human body.


We will be able to see if they know the purpose of the major bones by looking at their completed homework worksheet.

B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?

-       A concern we have is that students may become distracted when working with the website.
