Cara Maiorano

Lindsey Davis

EDUC 396


Unit Topic:  Website navigation


Grade:  4th


Lesson Topic:  Massachusetts


Lesson Objectives:  


The students will learn to navigate a website on their own.


The students will learn facts about Massachusetts by answering the questions provided on the website.


The students will have access to different links about Massachusetts and have the ability to learn more about the topics discussed in the questions.


Instructional Techniques:


Our lesson will begin with a group reading of the book “Massachusetts (Hello USA)” by J. F. Warner. After the book is read and any questions are answered, the students will separate and work individually on the website activity.


Instructional Materials:

Computers with the website activity already bookmarked


The book “Massachusetts (Hello USA)” by, J. F. Warner

Theoretical Perspective:

            This information is important for our students to learn because as they grow older and progress in their learning careers computers and technology are going to be very prominent. As technology advances, it becomes more important for students of younger ages to know how to navigate computers and websites. This activity provides them with a safe environment to practice their navigation skills and improve on their knowledge of doing so.


The students will enter the classroom and come together on the rug in the front of the room.


The teacher will sit in a chair at the front of the carpet and explain that today the students will be learning about Massachusetts.


Together they will look at the book “Massachusetts (Hello USA)” by J.F. Warner, and the teacher will read select bits and pieces from it.


Any questions that the students have will be answered before the next step of the assignment is explained.

The website activity will be explained to the students.

The students are too complete the online activity that will assist them in learning to accurately navigate a website.

The website contains a total of 7 questions that the students will have to answer about Massachusetts. If the questions are answered correctly, it will give the students the option of clicking on a link that will provide them with more information about the topic, but if they answer incorrectly, they will be prompted to go back to the question and try again.

After the activity is explained, the students will be brought down to a computer lab, where they will individually complete the assignment.

Adaptations for Different Learners:

            If there are certain students that are having a difficulty using the computers, or need extra assistance learning to navigate the website, the teacher as well as other assistants will be available in the computer lab to guide the student in the right directions.


            Once the student finishes the website navigation, they will be given two worksheets. One is a coloring page and one is a fun facts sheet with a word search and quiz questions. If the student finishes the website activity early, they can work on these worksheets in class, but if they do not finish they are to complete them for homework.


The teacher will determine if our objectives have been met the following day in the morning meeting. The students will bring their homework assignments and ask about anything that the students struggled with. The teacher will also ask for the opinions of the students about how effective they thought they website navigation activity was, and if they felt they learned the information adequately that way.


Original Objectives:

The students will learn to navigate a website on their own.


The students will learn facts about Massachusetts by answering the questions provided on the website.


The students will have access to different links about Massachusetts and have the ability to learn more about the topics discussed in the questions.


The only concern that I would have about this assignment, is if the students struggled with the navigation, if they would ask for help or if they would just try to figure it out on their own. I want to make sure that they students understand how websites work, and if they are at all confused, I would hope that they would ask for help.

