A. Introductory Activity: Discuss with students the different parts of the world. Ask students what different cultures they know about, and allow them to share breifly their insight.
B. Step-by-step:
- Taking about 3 lesson's time, introduce countries by their culture, the main ones being United States, China, Australia, Italy, Spain, Ireland, and Russia.
- Introduce the capitals of these countries, as well as which continent it is located on.
- On a world map, have students locate continents, important countries, and capitols. Along with this, have each student write down 3 facts they feel important to the culture of each country.
- Lastly, have students travel through the website to test their knowledge.
C. Closure: As a whole class, discuss what they likes/disliked about the website & its content. Reflect on the different countries and their cultures.
D. Adaptations for different learners: Provide extra help with students if necessary. If a troubled reader, read students the questions on the web pages.E. Homework: Write a paragraph about the heritage/ culture they belong to. Bring in one object from their house to represent their culture.
A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?
- Please list each of your stated objectives for the lesson. Then demonstrate how you will document successful completion for each.
- identify continents & countries: map and website
- identify capitols of counttries: map and website
- understand the cultures of many countries.: worksheet with facts from each country.
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