Thomas Jefferson

To minimize the influence of the central government Jefferson slashed government jobs, slashed army enlistment and cut the national debt.
The political parties were arguing over the judiciary system and it was at this time that the Supreme Court become an independant power.
During his second term Jefferson went to war with Tripoli to protect U.S. ships and had to rethink about reducing the military.
The British practice of forcing American sailors into British military service led to Jefferson ending trade with France and England.
This trade war devasted the American economy and forced America into a war with England.
It was at this time that Jefferson bought the Louisiana Purchase from the French government.
He would later authorize the famous Lewis and Clark expedition of the new land.

The two men above are the famous explorers who explored the Louisiana Purchase?

Columbus and MagellanLewis and ClarkNapoleon and Julius Ceasar

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