George Washington

In his second term Washington insisted that as president he could act independently from Congress and declare war if needed.
When a war between France and England broke out he issued a Declaration of Neutrality rather than have to enter into the war.
He also acted decisively to put down the Whiskey Rebellion in Pennsylvania after the Federal goverment decided to tax whiskey.
Three years after his last year in office which was 1796 he died at his home in Mount Vernon.
It was Washington who set the limits of a presidency as when he was President he had certain powers while Congress held others.
It set up the modern system of checks and balances that exists today to keep the government from getting out of hand.
George Washington set the foundations for the national government that we have today.
It is a government that has survived for over 200 years!

Above is a picture of George Washington's House as it looks today. What is the name of his house that he inherited from his brother?

Mount VernonMonticelloThe White House

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