George Washington

In 1775, after the British had fought the Massachusetts militia in both Lexington and Concord the Second Congressional Congress elected Washington as the commander of the colonies army.
George suceeded in defeating the British in Boston but would later suffer many defeats as he tried to beat them in New York.
On Christmas day in 1776 he led his army across the Delaware river and defeated the Hessians hired by the British in Trenton, New Jersey.
Then in 1778 the French agreed to an alliance with the American forces.
George knew that one decisive battle could change British Paliaments view on the war and get them to withdraw from America.

Finally in 1881 Washington led his forces backed by the French Navy to defeat British general Cornwallis at the battle of Yorktown in Virginia.
By the following spring the British government was ready to end the war and withdraw from America.

What river did George Wasington cross to defeat the Hessians?

     Ohio RiverDelaware RiverMississippi River

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