Abraham Lincoln

During his 1860 campaign he expressed that he didn't like slavery and he wanted to end slavery expansion into new states that were being created in the West.
In pursuing victory, Lincoln assumed extra legal powers over the press, declared martial law in areas where no military action justified it, quelled draft riots with armed soldiers, and drafted soldiers to fight for the Union cause.
No president had ever used his power so much as Lincoln did.
In 1864 the Civil War was still happening but Lincoln insisted there still be a reelection as he wanted to make sure the democratic government was followed. He won the election.
Before the election Lincoln gave soldiers passes to return home and vote. General Sherman's victory in Atlanta, Georgia over the South also helped get him reelected.

This general shown above won a decisive battle in Atlanta, Georgia that helped to get Abraham Lincoln reelected. Who is he?

Ulysses S. GrantGeorge PattonWilliam T. Sherman

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