Museum Quest Lesson Plan
Unit Topic or Theme: Science
Lesson Topic or Theme
: Exhibits at the museum
Lesson Objectives:
(The student will be able to ....)
    Identify and record 3 facts they learned from each exhibit

    Apply their knowledge to answer at least 5 of the 7 questions correctly

Instructional Technique:

    Individual Work

    Group Discussion

Instructional Materials:


    Museum Quest Worksheet

Theoretical Perspective:

    It is important for the students to learn about the different exhibits because it gives them a variation of facts from each of the exhibits
that they can learn while going through this website.

A. Introductory Activity
            Have the students, as a group, brainstorm on a piece of paper what they know about each exhibit provided.

B. Step-By-Step

        1) Each student will be assigned to a computer.

        2) I will tell the directions on how to get through the website and ask if there are any questions.

        3) As a class, we will go through the website individually.  When I read the question, I will ask for a few volunteers to take a guess on what they think the answer is.  If the answer is wrong, they can take a second guess.  If they answer is correct, we will move on to the next question.  I will have them read more information about the answers they choose whether it is right or wrong so they get a sense of why the answer is correct or not.

C. Closure

        To close the lesson up, we will come back as a group and fill out the Museum Quest Worksheet.

D. Adaptations for different learners

       For student(s) who have Attention Deficit Disorder, we will have an aid sit with the student(s).

E. Homework

       Students will write a short essay on their favorite exhibit.  They will need to include at least 3 different facts they have learned, and also include why that exhibit is their favorite.


A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

        By having students fill out the Museum Quest worksheet and passing it in, we will know that the student learned something from the website from the facts that they have written down about each exhibit.  Also, when they pass in their short essays, we can evaulate the amount of knowledge they have learned.

B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?

          It might have been a better idea to focus on one topic, rather than have the students learn breifly about seven differerent topics.

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