We visited the majority of Westfield State College's campus, but here are
a few places we didn't get to talk about too much:

Mod Building - This building is Westfield's newest addition as of 2009 and has three classrooms that aren't specific to any department.  Some professors have their English, Sociology/Social Work, and Multi-Cultural Studies offices in here, as well as the Honors Program.

Public Safety Building - The campus police are a certified police department, so don't think they're any more lenient than city or town police!  Our campus is the third safest campus in Massachusetts, and those that work in this building work their hardest in keeping it that way!

Interfaith Center - This is a small building located near Wilson Hall on the green where Catholic, Protestant, and Jewish services are held.  Groups like Campus Crusade for Christ, and Christian Fellowship use this building for their meetings.

Juniper Park Elementary School - This school is owned by Westfield State and a few lucky Education Students per semester are able to complete their observation hours here!

Thanks so much for joining us for our tour!  We hope you learned a lot and are interested in
becoming a part of Westfield's next incoming class.  We hope to see you next fall!

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