Journey To The Center Of The Earth
By Bethany Krupienski and Lauren Varelas

Hello Students! Professor Smith here. I've finished my journey to the
center of the Earth only to find that I

have forgotten my maps to get back up to the Earth's surface! I need your help
to find my way out of here. We've learned A LOT about the layers of the Earth in our science
class so far so I turst that you know enough to get me back to the classroom.
Good Luck!
Click on the picture to start!

Lesson Plan

                                Unit Topic: Science

                                Grade: 5

                                Lesson Topic: Layers of The Earth

                                Lesson Objectives: The students will be able to take their own notes on the lesson with a given outline. They will be able to navigate through the website easily in order to prepare themselves for the coming quiz.

                                Instructional Techniques: Lecture, group reading, notes, interactive site

                                Instructional Materials: Computer

                                Theoretical Persprective: This material is important to learn because you must be able to understand what the Earth is made up of to know how it works and how it effects the weather, plate techtonics, magnetism, etc.

                                Procedure: 1) First we will start by splitting into groups of four
                                                  2) Have each student read 3 pages of the chapter on Earth's Layers (5) in the science book.
                                                  3) Then I write notes on the board while lecturing and taking any student questions on the chapter.
                                                  4) Since reading the chapter on your own was last nights homework, this should be review.
                                                  5) To prepare them for the quiz on this chapter tomorrow, they will now go on to the computers individually and try to complete the journey with all correct anwers on the first try.
                                                  6) For students who have lower reading levels or cannot read efficiently, they will be in my reading group and we will all read together following along slowly with the page in the book. Also if they need help using the computer or reading the directions, myself and my aids will be going around to the computers for help.

                                Evaluation: I will be able to tell if the students are doing well with the website simply by walking around and being attentive to who is just picking all the answers, and to see who is reading all questions carefully and trying to answer them thoughtfully. Also the quiz results will help me to see how well they enderstand the chapter.