Rhea Gilligan and Emily Cummings Click to return to the main menu
Unit: Geography
Topic: East Coast State Identification
Grade: 3rd grade
Lesson Objective:
The students will be able to identify and name the fourteen states that touch the shore of the Atlantic Ocean on the East Coast, when shown the shape of them. Once they guess the correct state, they will learn its capital, and by clicking on the pictures of the states, they will learn some fun facts about each of them.
Instructional Technique:
Class discussion (Whole class)
Students will be given a worksheet that goes along with the computer assessment
Computer quiz (Individual)
Instructional Materials:
Theoretical Perspective:
This information is important for students to learn because they will start learning the geography of where they live.
Students will have already started learning the different East Coast states
The lesson will start by showing the students a video about the states
Each student will have a Laptop/iPad with them to go to the website with the quiz
Students will be given a worksheet about the quiz
The students will log onto the computers/iPads and go to the website
They will click on the arrow to start the quiz, where they will see if they can identify the states by their shapes
Each time the student gets a question right, they will be given that states capital, and they can click on the picture of that state to learn more about it
On the worksheet, the students will be asked for the capital of the state, as well as a certain fun fact that will be found on the linked website
After all the students are done, we will have a class discussion
The students will be asked what the answers are for the capitals and fun facts
The students’ “ticket-to-leave” will be handing in the worksheet they did in class
For learners who might not be able to read the quiz, they will be able to either have someone read it to them, or they can have text-to-voice for the quiz
Based on if the students are able to find all the capitals and fun facts for each state on the worksheet, it will be apparent if they were able to identify the states by just the outline of their shapes when handing in their worksheet.
The main concern about this lesson is making sure that all the students stay on track. The teacher will be walking around the classroom and helping students when/if they need help, but they will be unable to see all the students and make sure they are all staying focused. There is also a concern that students could attempt to cheat and just look up the answers on the internet.