Have your students work with numbers by using this website
to get printable connect the dot pictures!

Not sure how to talk about certain topics such as civil
rights and race with a younger crowd? The Zinn Education
Project has free lesson plans on subjects such as racism,
disabilities, and social class for grades as young as
kindergarten all the way up to high school! This project
supports and promotes the voices of the unheard.

Have students work on their parts of speech by using
printable Mad Libs in class to make learning into a silly
game. They can do them in the classroom as well as at home
with family/friends!

Education.com has plenty of educational games from reading
to writing to math. Under each game there's a lesson plan
you could incorporate in order to introduce the game! You
can follow the lesson plans they include or make up your
own. Under the "Lesson Plan Example" tab below is
lesson plan I had made up that includes the game "Lesson
than or Greater than: 1 to 20".

Super Teacher Worksheets has coloring pictures where
students must solve the addition or subtraction problem in
order to figure out what color they need to use in each

Ever stuck on how to teach a certain topic? Share My
Lesson is a website where educators can share and use
lesson plans that were successful in practice.

Young children may have difficulties expressing their
feelings. It is important to show students how to deal
with different emotions in appropriate ways and analyze
others' feelings. KidsHealth came up with a great lesson
plan to do with your students as well as other articles
one can use in order to teach your students how to manage
their feelings as well as others appropriately.