Teacher Resources

Sample Lesson Plan

Scholastic News

A website that contains magazines that cover non-fiction and current events for grades one through six. Free articles and resources are also available.


Available in both English and Spanish, Understood is a website that breaks down special education laws and has strategies that educators can use to help students with learning and attention issues.


A free website where teachers can create inclusive and engaging educational games. The games can be used in various contexts such as reinforcements and homework.

PBS Learning Media

This website contains free standards-based videos, interactives and more from preschool through high school for Massachusetts teachers

Read Write Think

Contains free resources in reading and language arts instruction and practice. Resources go from kindergarten to high school and include student interactives, printouts, mobile apps, etc.

Soft Schools

A website that contains free resources on a variety of academic topics ranging from preschool through high school. Resources include games, quizzes, and printouts. You can also create your own worksheets, quizzes, games, word searches, etc.


A free and user friendly site where teachers can make their own materials as well as access pre-made materials. resources also include teacher tips, rubrics, software, etc.
