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1.     Unit Topic or Theme: Math

2.     Grade Level: 4th Grade

3.     Lesson Topic or Theme: Making Change

4.     Lesson Objective: The students will be able to make change using multiple combinations of coins and bills to an eighty percent success rate.

5.     Instructional Technique:

a.     Introduction

b.     Interactive Website Activity

c.      Table Activity

d.     Closure

6.     Instructional Materials

a.     Interactive Website:

b.     Fake Money

c.      Worksheet “Time for Change”

d.     Document Camera

e.     Projector

7.     Theoretical Perspective: This lesson is crucial for student learning because it involves a life skill. Money management is and is going to be a necessary skill no matter what the student chooses to do in life.

8.     Procedure:

a.     Introduction:

                                               i.     Review the different coins and how much each is worth using a projector and document cam to show what each coin looks like. Next, run through the website and assignment. Explain what you want them to do and demonstrate where to find the information that you want them to find (ex. Amount of Sale, Amount Paid, etc.)

b.     Interactive Website Activity:

                                               i.     Instruct students to log onto the website. The screen that they come to will offer settings. Have the students choose “Medium” and “United States”. Students should proceed to work on the site while recording their work on their worksheet. Teacher should be circling the room to ensure that the students are making adequate progress and help students who are struggling. When students finish they should look over their work to find where they went wrong. Once all students finish move onto next activity

c.      Table Activity:

                                               i.     Students should work in pairs to correct problems they messed up on. Once they finish this or if they don’t get anything wrong, have the students find other combinations of coins to make the same amount of change. At each table, there should be fake money for the students who want/need hands-on learning. Make sure all the students are recording their work on their worksheet. Teacher should circle the room to help struggling students.

d.     Closure:

                                               i.     Have a few students share their problems and how they solved it. Ask questions so that you can be sure the students understand as well as to help students who need help understanding but don’t want to ask questions.

e.     Adjustments for different learners:

                                               i.     For some students (ex. Students who struggle to read, visually impaired students, ELL students, ect.), they may benefit from working in partners throughout the entire lesson. I’d like to avoid this option if possible, but depending on the class it’s being taught to this may be unavoidable.

f.      Homework: If the students don’t finish the worksheet in class, they should finish it for homework and turn it in next class.

9.     Evaluation

a.     Allow students to evaluate their own understanding on making change at the end of the worksheet

Go through the worksheet the students completed. If students got more than two questions wrong on the worksheet, look into why and sort out the students that need extra help from those who just moved too quickly. Teach lesson in another way if enough students need another run through of the topic.
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