This website is a great source to help understand what
your child should be getting out of their school
system. It answers questions about common core and
explains why it is important for your child.

The National
Education Association provides great resources for
parents. It gives tips on motivating your child,
giving emotional support to them, and how to work with
your child's teacher to help enhance you and your child's

The Parent
Resources on Discovery Education present some great tips
on how to help your children with their homework and ways
to motivate your child.

Scholastic Parents has a great feature where you can put
in your child's age and the topic you are looking for
information on. Scholastic will bring up a page of
printables, activities, and tips related to the topic you

Inspire My
Kids has videos, stories, and quotes about inspirational
children and how you, as a parent, can help inspire your
own children. It will help inspire not just your
child, but you as well.

Stop Bullying
explains the forms of bullying, who is at risk, and how it
can be prevented. It is important for all of us to
know the warning signs of it in order to do our part to
stop it.

Read Write Think has activities & projects, games
& tools, tips & how-to's, printouts, and podcasts
to help parents aid their children in their education.