Example Lesson Plan Using Addition

Unit Topic: Math
First Grade

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to add sums between 1-10 at a 70% rate S
  2. Students will be able to solve word problems with sums between 1 and 10 at a 60% rate

Instructional Technique:

            Students will work in groups of 2 to complete the problem solving worksheet for addition

Instructional Materials:

·      handout for website

·      handout for word problems worksheet

·   http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fruitshoot/fruitshoot_addition.htm

·      Computers

Theoretical Perspective:

Knowing how to add is important for students because addition is used in ever day life. Students should know how to solve addition word problems, because in life addition with present itself in the form of words and real life situations.



1.     Teacher will pass out website handout

2.      Students will log onto http://www.sheppardsoftware.com/mathgames/fruitshoot/fruitshoot_addition.htm

3.     Students will click on “level one”

4.     Students will click on “slow fruit”

5.     Students will use the website handout to complete the game

6.     Once finished students will enter name in name slot(on website)then click “submit” and “send to teacher”(teachers email will be provided on the website handout)

7.     Students will pass in handout to teacher when completed




1.     Students will get into groups or two

2.     Teacher will pass out word problem hand sheet to each group

3.     Students will complete the work sheet as a group (make sure they show their work)


1.     When each group is finished completing the worksheet, the class will regroup and the teacher will discuss the answers as a whole class

2.     After the answers have been discussed, students will hand in their groups worksheet (with their names on it)


            Group work will allow kids to work efficiently with each other. This will help the kids who are math phobic or those who struggle to read. Providing a website activity allows those who are visual learners to learn as well as those who are more hands-on. Also provided is a number line for those who are visual as well.




  1. Students will be able to add sums between 1-10 at a 70% rate 
  2. Students will be able to solve word problems with sums between 1 and 10 at a 60% rate

If the students receive the objective percentage score on the website and word problem worksheet, then the teacher will acknowledge that they are capable of adding up to the sum of ten.

If the class does not meet the objectives percentages, then the teacher will realize that students are struggling. The teacher will then need to spend more time on the subject matter.


B.) Some concerns with this lesson are:

·      Internet connection loss

·      Website crashes

·      Lack of computer

·      One student does all the work for the group worksheet