Teacher Resources
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This website is great for lesson plans, unit plans, discussion topics, vocabulary lists and so much more!

This resource give tips and advice on ways to run your class in a smooth and efficient way, as well as classroom organization help or coming up with daily activities.

This is an excellent website for teachers because it is like a store for teachers. You can shop for products ranging from infants to 6th graders. There are so many tools on this website that can be purchased to help your students learn.

This website helps teachers make tests, worksheets, and lesson plans. On this website you can also print of games and puzzles, such as bingo cards, or word searches.

This resource gives a quick overview of the standards but offers  an explanation as to why each standard is there, and the expectations of each student.

This website is great for learning how to teach in different strategies, all students learn differently so it is important to meet all of their needs. This resource also talks about all aspects relating to special education from IEP’s to different learning disabilities and how to help teach all students.

Nowadays, regardless if you are a special education or general curriculum teacher chances are you will have students in your classroom with learning disabilities. This website is a great resource that offers tips and help to teach students who do have disabilities.