Parent and Guardian Resources
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Reading rockets is a great resource for parents to learn tips about helping your child with reading.

Discovery education is extremely useful for parents who are trying to help their children with homework of all subjects, and motivational techniques.

PBS for parents is an awesome resource because it can give you tips and advice for leading your child to success, educational videos, and much more!

Scholastic books is a great useful resource because it is a place to find books your children will enjoy.It provides a wide variety for you and your child to choose from ones that can be read for fun and ones that can
 be read for learning.

On this website you can find information on the importance of being involved in your child's education. It talks about how you can communicate with the school and build a strong bond. It also provides ideas for the summertime to keep your child engaged in learning. It is a great way to find ideas on how to connect your home with the school.

This website is great for learning how to give your child emotional support, and tips on how to keep them interested in learning. This resource also keeps you updated on local and national issues that could possibly affect your child’s school.

This website is great for helping your child with homework, and help in school subjects in general. It also discusses time management, internet safety, discipline, and many more useful tips.