Lesson Plan Outline

Below you read find an example of a lesson plan that we will be doing in class. It is a math lesson focused on learning to identifying coins and determining their value.

Unit Topic or Theme: Math

Grade: Second Grade

Lesson Topic or Theme:

Money: Coins and Values

Lesson Objectives:

Students will be able to identify three out of the four coins and know what they are worth.

Instructional Technique:


Group work



Instructional Materials:

Class set of pennies, nickels, dimes, and quarters for each students desk during the lecture

Twenty Question Interactive Worksheet (Class Set amount of copies)

Final Five Question Worksheet (Class Set amount of copies)


Answer Sheet for each worksheet

Theoretical Perspective:

We feel this is important for our students to learn and understand how to identify and know how much each coin is worth. This is a skill that the students should learn at a young age and will carry with them throughout their lives. Money is used everyday and students should be able to feel comfortable and have background knowledge about this topic.


A. Introductory Activity

The teacher will put coins on each student’s desk (penny, nickel, dime, quarter). Then the teacher will display each particular coin on the board identifying each coin and stating its value. Then the students will have to find the coin on their desk and hold it up when it is shown on the board for the teacher to see.

Once students have a good understanding of each coin and its value, the teacher will then pass out a worksheet for the students to work on by themselves. The worksheet involves identifying and adding the coins together and then determining the amount for each problem.

B. Step-by-step

The teacher will explain the online activity to the students.

Directions: Students will be broken up into groups of two or three and then they will be completing a twenty question worksheet that goes along with the interactive website. Each student has their own worksheet.

This website is called Adapted Mind and when you first enter the website click on second grade. Next, click the coins category. This category consists of eight different lessons including, comparing coins, adding coins, etc. The exposure to these questions helps each student understand coins more. Even though the main objective for this lesson is identifying the coin and knowing its value, the students being exposed to different types of questions about coins helps the students learn more.

Website Link: http://www.adaptedmind.com/gradelist.php?grade=2

Once students have completed this twenty question worksheet they can return to their seats and wait until everyone has completed the activity and go over it as a whole class and see if there are any questions. (Participation points will be given to students who volunteer to answer questions.)

C. Closure

To end the lesson, students will receive another five question worksheet to do on their own before the end of class and pass it in for the teacher to assess their progress.

Students should be able to meet the objective by this point in time, at this point the students have been exposed the the coins and their values in various ways. These ways including a lecture to introduce each coin and its value, the group work with using the interactive website and reviewing the worksheet as a whole class, and a final five question worksheet. The final five question worksheet will be a great conclusion for the teacher to understand where each student is at.

D. Adaptations for different learners

The teacher will pick the groups so the students are paired together so that the students who struggle with reading and math are not paired together, that way the students are able to help each other and learn from one another.

For students who struggle with reading, the website also will read the question and answers out loud for the students to hear.

Students should feel free to ask for help from the teacher along the way.

The teacher should be walking around and assessing/helping the groups.

E. Homework

Not applicable


A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

Students will be able to identify three out of the four coins and know what they are worth.

The majority of the students have met this objective to its entirety. The majority are able to identify all of the coins and their individual values, while a couple students have are confusing one or two of the coins values.  

As the teacher, evaluating the success of the student by documentation will consisted of how well each individual did working on the the five question worksheet on their own. Also by walking around and observing how each group of students working can help the teacher understand which students are struggling and which have grasped the concept pretty well.

B. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?

One concern as a teacher is how well the groups working on the website are concentrating on the task at hand.