Sample Lesson Plan

Unit Topic:  Reading/Writing



Grade:  Kindergarten



Lesson Topic or Theme: Recognizing vowels



Lesson Objectives:

·      Student will be able to sort the vowels A, E and O

·      Sort and discover the vowel in a word



Instructional Technique:

·      Sit the students in a circle and show and explain/demonstrate the activity



Instructional Materials:

·      Website

·      Worksheet

·      Rubric

·      Crayons

·      http://www.education.com/games/short-vowel-sort/



Theoretical Perspective:

·      Students need to learn and be able to recognize their vowels in order to better their reading. Vowels and simple words are important for children’s capability to read successfully.




·      Explain and demonstrate the activity (Placed in “sub” folder on desk, website link already on computer desktop)

·      Split class into groups. (One to website, one to worksheet)

·      Each group will have 20 minutes in the center

·      Switch groups

·      Evaluate and go over worksheets






·      Going over all of the activities that we did in class




·      Since already in groups, have a designated child be the student helper with any child that needs help or every activity





·      If the worksheet from the center isn’t finished in class, finish it at home

·      Send home the link to website and have children share at home





·      Students will be able to sort and recognize vowels A, E, and O.  (Walk around and check each student as they are on the website)

·      Sort and discover the vowel in a word. (Worksheet will evaluate how each student will do)




·      Students will not be able to follow or understand the website

·      Students could get distracted on the computers and not stay on task.











Sample Worksheet  


Name: _______________________________




Directions: Read the word, find and circle the vowel.



CAT                                              BAT


FROG                                             BEE


BALL                                              KEY


HAT                                               LOG


TEN                                                MOP


DOG                                               BAG


BED                                                MAN


SAT                                                 BOX


COW                                               FAN


EGG                                                CAR


FOX                                                CAP