Ross School for the Deaf
This school is located in Longmeadow, Ma. If your child or
a child you know has a hearing impairment, this is a great
school to look into. Their children can attend school at
their location or can be put in an inclusion environment
in East Longmeadow public schools or Longmeadow public
schools. This website has lots of information about them
and their program as well as contact information to take
the steps for getting your child(ren) the education that
is best for them. Also if you are interested in taking
classes yourself to learn American Sign Language (ASL)
information is provided on this website as well.
This website, just like Discovery for children is very
educational. This website in particular offers parents
guidelines and help for helping their children in school.
It has areas for parents to learn how to help their
children with homework without giving their children too
much help and not allowing them to learn. They also have
an area for motivation to encourage parents to help their
children and not be afraid. They also have step-by-step
options for math and other subjects. This is a great tool
or parents who have forgotten or don't know exactly how
they should go about helping their children.
This website for parents offers parents to connect with
other parents through discussion boards and blogs. Parents
can easily navigate through the website by age of their
child(ren) or which subject area they may be looking
specifically for.
Mifflin Education Place
This website offers parents the extra assistance in
helping their children with school work. This website is
navigated by selecting age of your child(ren) then subject
area. Parents can view textbook their child(ren) use with
additional information.
This website offers parents of any age child(ren) many
useful resources. This website links you to other websites
that specialize in specific areas. This website offers
resources for parents of any age child(ren), subject area,
special needs, and more. There are many options and useful
tools that are very beneficial and handy to have at hand
for all parents.
National Education Association
This website's purpose is to encourage parents to get
involved and help their child(ren) in school and through
their entire education. This website also offers tools to
help get their parents involved with their child(ren) in
their educational experience. This is great for first time
parents and parents struggling to know how exactly to help
their child(ren).
This website is a great resource for any topic from
parents health to activities to do with children as well
as many more topics. Starting at pregnancy up until the
child being older. This website is updated often and has
holiday based activities and ideas for parents.