software is a fun and interactive site that lets
students test their knowledge and learn actively.
Their are maps that can let students test their
geography skills. Science experiments to do at
home to understand concepts. There are also fun
games that students can play that still allow them
to be learning basic concepts.
PBS Kids lets students explore basic stories with
their favorite TV characters. PBS Kids lets kids
read along, and advance in their reading and
writing skills. There are some games and videos as
well just for fun for the students.
Funbrain has many math and reading games within
the site. Funbrain empowers students through fun
learning games that are both interactive and
entertaining to keep students wanting to play
Starfall let's students learn to read with more
ease. Focusing on phonics and mastery of basic
skills before moving on to more difficult reading
assignments. Starfall also has mathematics skills
on the page that students can practice.
Discovery Kids is full of fun and interactive
activities. From videos, to books, and games
students have many choices to curve their own
learning experience. Discovery Kids encourages
students to lead their own learning through doing.
The major topics covered on this site are,
science, animals, earth and space.
MyPlate lets students explore different physical
activities they can do, no matter what the weather
is outdoors. This site also lets students explore
what a serving size for different food groups
actually looks like. It lets students plan a
healthier way to eat the foods they know and love,
and even branch out a try something knew.
National Geographic Kids lets students explore
animals around the world in there natural habitat.
It lets students see how different parts of the
world celebrate there holidays, and live there
daily lives. They can learn what type of food
comes from where around the world as well. At the
bottom of the website there are fun games for
students to test their knowledge!