Parent Resources

Welcome! These are links to various resources that you as parents may find helpful.

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                                             LDA (Learning Disabilities Association): This website has resources related to learning disabilities, this is a link to the parent resources page and will allow parents to look at different           disabilities and understand what they are.  


                                              Schoolfamily's 10 tips for parents with middle school children: This website has 10 tips for parents to help deal with issues their middle school students may have.


                                    's guidelines for parents with children who are being bullied: This website provides tips for parents who have children who have been the target of bullying.


                                          PTA Website: This website is the home of the PTA, they have a parents success guide portion of their website. This portion was created by teachers and parents to show parents what their children should be learning in school.


                                    's parents page for homework information: This website gives tips for parents on how to be an active and involved parent.

                                   's signs your child is being bullied: This page has warning signs of bullying, this is a helpful resources for parents to identify if their child is being bullied.

                                   's guide to identifying a child with a disability: This page will provide parents with information about children who have disabilities.