Sample Lesson Plan
Here's a look of a lesson plan that we'll be using in Social Studies covering information on the role of the US President. Feel free to check it out!

   Unit Topic: Social Studies

   Grade: 6

   Lesson Topic or Theme: U.S Presidents

   Lesson Objectives:

   The students will be able to list at least 7 facts about given presidents, and the students will discuss what they learned in groups.

   The students will be able to list what hat each of the facts land under and explain why they believe that.

   Instructional Technique: Students will work independent on the computer, group work, and class discussion.

   Instructional Materials: (provide specific bibliographic information and/or copies of handouts, instructional sheets etc.)

   Theoretical Perspective: This information is important for the students to learn because they should be able to identify the different responsibilities and roles that our nations leaders have to take care of. This will let the students have a better understand of the duties that make our government a more organized place and they will also be able to see how the system has changed over time letting current and future presidents build from the past leaders. It will also teach the basics about how the government governs it citizens. 


   Procedure: (As a teacher, what will you and the students do.)

A.   Introductory Activity (if applicable)

The students will receive a warm up activity to see what they know before they use the website. After all the students have attempted the warm up activity they will receive an answer key to compare their answers to.

B.   Step-by-step (descriptive outline)

The students will be given a worksheet with an overview and instructions that follow:

·      Grab a laptop and bring it back to your desk

·      Log in on the computer using your school username

·      Open the internet and go to

·      Search 7 hat challenge and click on the first link, which will lead you to 7 Hat Challenge game CLICK HERE

·      Enter your name in the box provided and click on hard, once you have done that click start to begin the game

·      CAREFULLY read the instructions about completing the game

·      Once you understand the directions start the game!

·      Go through each year (order does not matter) and answer the questions asked to your best capability

·      For each year copy one question with the correct answer on the sheet provided by me

·      It will not bother me if you do not get all of the presidential hats, I just want you to complete the game, but try your best

·      Once finished with the game and question sheet, bring them up to me and I will give you the final part of this lesson

·      Complete the final worksheet, and if not done in class, finish it for homework

---While students are on the website they will copy down one question for each year with an answer about what they have just learned.


C.   Closure

The students will be given The President Wears Seven Hats worksheet, the students will work independently on this and hand it in at the end of class. This will allow us to see how well each student comprehended the website, and what they learned.


D. Adaptations for different learners (i.e. non-native speakers, struggling readers or math phobic learners, students with poor study skills)

         If students struggle with history concepts they can choose to use the website on an easy level. Also, if they are slow readers and need more time they can use the website on easy.

E. Homework – N/A


A.   How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?


   The students will be able to list at least 7 facts about given presidents and the students will discuss what they learned in groups.

   The students will be able to list what hat each of the facts land under and explain why they believe that.


At the end of the introductory lesson of the unit, the students will be able to state a minimum of 7 facts that they have learned from the site during a class discussion. They should also be able to tell what hat the fact lands under and why. They should be able to partake in the discussion by talking about at least one fact they had written down and talk in greater detail to the class about that fact. We will know if they have met their objectives at the end of the discussion after the students have talked about what they have learned and after reviewing the collected handouts. Any major facts that the majority of the class has missed will be further discussed later on in future lessons.


B.   Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?


Time-wise not having enough to get through the entire site and being able to have a successful class talk about the new information.

Not every child wanting to participate during the group discussion or the class discussion.

The hat is already pictured next to each presidents question. We are concerned that the students will cheat their way through by already knowing the answer to some of the questions.