This is one of the lesson plans I will be using to teach this year. If there are any questions please email me at

Unit: Social Studies

Grade: 4

Lesson: Stepping inside the Government


1. Students will be able to recognize the 3 branches of government and their responsibilities.

-In order to show their understanding of the different branches of government, students will complete a handout using the information learned during the checks and balances web activity.  -The handout is made up of fill in the blank sentences, where the students will be able to choose the correct work from a word bank.

-This activity will be used to determine if students have met the objective after while they complete the checks and balances activity. Students will fill out the handout as they go through the activity

2. Students will know and be able to explain how the government works for them.

-By completing the “How government works for you” activity, students will be able to see how they are affected by the government in different ways.

-After completing the activity students must write 3 ways that the government on the back of the handout affects them.

-This activity will be used to determine if the students met the objective after they complete the how government works for you activity.  

Instructional Technique: Classroom Discussion, Individual work

Instructional Materials: Worksheet, Computers.



1st website:

2nd website:

3rd website:

Theoretical Perspective: Students need to understand this information so they know the different branches of the government and how it works so when they are older in life they can understand how the country runs. The voting website can make it easier for kids to see how to vote themselves when they are old enough and the process their parents have to go through.


A.   Introductory Activity

·           Introduce the topic of the three branches of government by asking the students if they know    anything about them. If they do, what do they know?

B.    Step-by-Step Descriptive Outline

·           Teach the students what the three branches of government are.

·           List the main duties and responsibilities of them.

·           After all the students have clear knowledge of all the branches, tell them to go on the “classroom website” (

·           At the classroom website, there will be a link to a website names “Checks and Balances   Game.”

·           Teacher will pass out a handout that will have instructions on how to complete the game.

·           Afterwards, students will go back to the classroom website where there will be another website link. The name of this game is “The Democracy Project.”

·           Here the teacher will instruct the students to click where is says “How the Government Works for You” near the bottom of the page.

·           This is where the students can click on any of the places within the “town”-it will provide information on how the government works with every one of those places.

·           Instruct students to click on any five places and read the information that follow.

·           After, tell the students they can either do the “step inside the voting booth” or “be president for a day!” games. Each student can complete one of these activities.

·           When they are done with the activity of their choice, tell them to write three ways the government works for them and their town. They may write these on the back of the handout.

C.    Closure

·           Gather students back at their desks.

·           The teacher will ask the students to say one of their reasons the government works.

·           Ask who chose the “president” activity and who did the “voting booth” activity. Ask the students to explain what they did and if they learned anything. Also, do they want to say anything else about their activity?

D.   Adaptations for Different Learners

·           Bold or italicize important words on the handouts.

·           Make sure to walk around the room to help struggling readers/non-native speaker in case they need help interpreting information.

·           Keep in mind that this is a history lesson, not an English lesson, so do not mark down or penalize students’ answers because of grammar mistakes, misspelling, etc.

·           Have an English dictionary in the room.

·           Seat troubled students near teacher.

·           Ensure the students are clear with instructions before moving on with activities.

E.    Homework

·           Go home and ask parent/guardian what political party they root for and why? (If the parent/guardian is fine with giving this information).



1.     Students will be able to recognize the 3 branches of government and their responsibilities.

-In order to show their understanding of the different branches of government, students will complete a handout using the information learned during the checks and balances web activity.  -The handout is made up of fill in the blank sentences, where the students will be able to choose the correct work from a word bank.

-This activity will be used to determine if students have met the objective after while they complete the checks and balances activity. Students will fill out the handout as they go through the activity

2.     Students will know and be able to explain how the government works for them.

-By completing the “How government works for you” activity, students will be able to see how they are affected by the government in different ways.

-After completing the activity students must write 3 ways that the government on the back of the handout affects them.

-This activity will be used to determine if the students met the objective after they complete the how government works for you activity.  

Concerns or Questions about Lesson.





 Instruction Sheet For Online Activity

1) Sit down at a computer and log in with your school username.

2) Once you are logged in, open up Internet Explorer.

3) Type this link into the search bar at the top of the page…

4) Go to the 6th grade tab and click the first link under that tab titled Checks and Balances Game

5) Read The Introduction and then click on the yellow arrow in the bottom right hand corner.  (Keep in mind, which bodies of our government make up each branch.)

Executive = The President and His Cabinet

Legislative = Congress and Senate

Judicial = The Supreme Court  

6) Take a few minutes to read the specific duties of each individual branch of government.

7) When you feel as though you have memorized the duties of each branch, read the instructions and then click on the yellow arrow.

8) There will be sentences with blank spaces that compare 2 different branches of government. Drag the words at the bottom of the page that fit the best in the blank spots in each sentences.

9) Once all the sentences are completed and the scale at the bottom of the page is balanced, you know you have filled in the sentences correctly and that those branches of government “check and balance” each other evenly.

10) Review your answers, if you have any questions ask the teacher, if not then click the yellow arrow to move on.

11) Repeat the clicking and dragging process until your sentences are completed and the scale is balanced.

12) Review your answers and then click the yellow arrow to move on.

13) Repeat the clicking and dragging process until your sentences are completed and the scale is balanced. (Use your knowledge from the previous two comparisons to help you fill in the blanks about these branches.)

14) When you finish, click on the yellow arrow, the site will tell you how many mistakes you made in attempting to complete the sentences about each government branch.

15) You now have 2 choices, you may either practice with this activity again, or move on the presidential website.

16) To go to the “Be a President” site, go back to the first link and go to the 6th grade tab, then click on be a President.

17) Once on The Be a President site, you may either explore the “How Government Works for You” activity, the “Step Inside the Voting Booth” activity, or the “Be President for a Day” activity.

18) For Extra Credit, write on a separate piece of paper 3 facts about our government, voting, or the presidency that you learned.  (At the end of class be sure to logoff your computer and push in your chairs.)



Name: ____________________                                                            Date: ___________

We have been learning about the government and the different responsibilities of each of the three branches.  It is now time to review what we have learned.  Your mission is to fill in the blanks using the words in the provided word bank (every word will be used once).  You will find the information needed in order to fill in the blanks while completing the checks and balances activity online.  Good Luck!

Supreme Court






2/3 majority








 Executive Branch

1.         Makes ­__________ with other countries.

2.         Carries out __________.

3.         President chooses and _________ Supreme __________ justices for a __________ term.

Legislative Branch

1.         Can __________ President for misconduct.

2.         Overrides President __________ with __________ vote.

3.         Must approve Presidential appointments for the __________.

Judicial Branch

1.         Can declare laws to be against the __________.

2.         Can __________ evidence against the _________ and his __________.

3.         Interprets __________.
