Here is a sample of one of our lesson plans!
 These are the types of fun activities your children are doing in class.
 This also shows you how we can incorporate technology in the classroom
 and still allow your children to learn as well as
communicate with their classmates and have fun! :)

Lesson Plan




Unit Topic or Theme



            3rd Grade


Lesson Topic or Theme



Lesson Objectives:

            The student will be able to:

1.     Define numerator, denominator, and fraction.

2.     Match the correct fraction with the correct pizza/illustration on the website and the worksheet that corresponds.


Instructional Technique:

            Teacher computer instruction

            Student computer group work

            Group worksheet grading


Instruction Materials:



Instructions handout.

            Follow-up worksheet to be handed in during class.


Theoretical Perspective:

            Important because it introduces the sometimes difficult concept of fractions in a technological way to see if the students understand fully what a fraction is. Can be applied to many real- life situations and it is displayed in this activity using pizza.



a.     Teachers and students will have a conversation about what they know and understand about fractions. Afterwards, teacher will hand out the instructions to students and go over what the students will have to do in pairs as well as show them on the teacher computer how to access the website.

b.     Students will pair up, go to a computer and launch the website. Teachers will help students who have difficulty accessing the website. Students will participate in the activity following the instruction sheet. When the students have finished the activity, the class as a group will split up into individuals and complete the follow-up work sheet and hand it in. When the whole class has completed their work, they will find other fraction websites to explore.

c.      After the students are done exploring, the teacher will hand back the work sheets and have them swap sheets with their partners. As a class we will grade the work sheet so the students can get immediate feedback on how they are doing with fractions.

d.     The teacher pairs up students based on their abilities so they will be able to help each other as well as know which pairs will need the most help. Teacher will also walk around the room and help out.




            a.  The student will be able to:

1.     Define numerator, denominator, and fraction because on the follow-up worksheet they will show their understanding of these words by correctly answering vocabulary questions on these words.

2.     Match the correct fraction with the correct pizza/tables because they will have completed the website game as well as correctly answered questions on the follow-up sheet.

b. Because fractions are complicated, it will be hard to know and understand where each kid is at concerning fractions.