Unit Topic or Theme: History

Grade: 3rd


Lesson Topic or Theme: Oregon Trail

Lesson Objective: The student will be able to comprehend the harsh reality of the way people who traveled through the Oregon Trail, along with their struggles with maintaining health, food, animals, and clothing.  

Instructional Technique:  Lecture

Theoretical Perspective: This information is important for students to learn because it is part of our nation's history. It is important for students of today to learn the way of life and hardships of the people who came before them went through.


  1. Introductory Activity: Students will play the Oregon Trail game with prior or no knowledge on the subject. This will give them a sense of what the lesson will be about.

  2. 1) The students will pull out their laptops and  play the Oregon Trail game.

2) The students will then put laptops away.

3) The teacher asks the students what they thought about the game and their difficulties

4) The Teacher will start the lecture about the Oregon Trail. In specific what the Oregon Trail is, who traveled it, what their difficulties were, how long it was, reasons why people traveled, and how they traveled.

5) The teacher will ask the students if they have any questions.

6) The teacher will ask the students to take out their laptops and play the Oregon Trail game for a second time.

7) The teacher will ask the students opinions and concerns about the Oregon Trail game. Along with how having more knowledge on the subject helps them better understand the game and survive the trail for a longer period of time.



  1. Closure: The Oregon Trail Handout

  2. Adaptations for different learners: The teacher could sit next to the student who needs extra assistance to help them navigate the website. If a student is a non-native speaker, the handout can be translated to a different language.


  1. The teacher will be able to tell if the students met the objective by their answers on the handout.

    B) Concerns: