Unit Topic: Science

Grade: 3

Lesson Topic: Vertebrates and their characteristics

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Students will be able to correctly characterize various characteristics of the five main vertebrates and complete the chart assigned.

  2. Students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of vertebrates and decide which category an animal should be in based on those characteristics.

Instructional Technique:

  1. Class discussion

  2. Group work

  3. Independent work

Instructional Materials

  1. interactivesites.weebly.com

  2. Science book

  3. Coloring materials

  4. Scissors

  5. Glue

  6. Handouts

Theoretical Perspective:

  1. Being aware of what makes animals different

  2. Being able to compare and contrast various qualities.

  3. Organization skills


Intro: class discussion

  1. Review past knowledge on

    1. What are vertebrates?

    2. What are different characteristics of vertebrates?

  2. Who can remember an example of (each group)?

    1. Go over some more examples and expand on some that were brought up by the students

  3. Put students into groups and provide each group a category of a vertebrate. Direct students to find examples of characteristics to share with the rest of the class. (Students may refer back to the book or website.)

Step by step:

  1. Inform students that they will be doing an online activity, independently.

  2. Inform students that once they finish the activity, they should raise their hand to get the worksheet (see steps 7 & 8)

  3. Bring them to the website by clicking the bookmarked page

  4. Have class all click on same links to get to the desired page

  5. Begin activity independently

  6. Once completed correctly raise hand for teacher to make sure they are on the right track

  7. Once the teacher confirms the activity was completed correctly, students get the handouts

-One chart with vertebrate categories listed

-One sheet with the characteristics to color in and cut out

     8.  Students will cut and paste the characteristics of vertebrates in the correct category once they are colored in.


-Once everyone is done, share your charts with your groups

-Hang up the charts everyone made on the back bulletin board

Adaptations for Different Learners:

  1. Additional teacher assistance with cutting out or matching the characteristics to the correct category

  2. Headphones are available for students who choose to block out background noise and

listen to the website.

     3.  Students who are having difficulties during group discussions, online activity, or on the handout may refer back to the book or provided website.


  1. Find 5 examples of animals from each vertebrates and list two or more characteristics that helped you to determine which category to place that animal in.


A. Objectives met

  1. Students will be able to correctly characterize various characteristics of the five main vertebrates and complete the chart.

  1. Group discussion will refresh students about previous knowledge on this topic.

  2. When student do the online activity, it will provide insight of their awareness on this topic.

  1. Students will be able to compare and contrast the characteristics of vertebrates and decide which category an animal should be in based on those characteristics.

    1. The homework will reinforce what we learned in class and further their thinking by having them come up with new animal ideas.

B. Some concerns include students copying off each other when doing the activity.