Lesson Plan

Connor Sullivan                                                                     

Early Childhood Education                                                        Science: Solids and Liquids

Second/Third Grade


Duration of Lesson: 15-20 minutes


Lesson Plan Title and Summary:


            Hot or Not: The Melting and Cooling Points of Objects. Given the website to the interactive lab, students will be able to recognize the difference between solids and liquids when different temperatures are applied.


Links to MA Curriculum Frameworks or National Core Standards:


            2006 Science and Technology/Engineering: Physical Science (preK-8). Properties of Objects and Materials: Differentiate between properties of objects (size, shape) and properties of materials (color, texture).


Specific Objectives of Lesson:


Given prior knowledge and the website below, students will be able to recognize the difference between solids and liquids when different temperature is applied by completing the worksheet and scoring a 7/10 or higher.


Materials and Technology Needed:



Computers/ Computer Lab


Melting and cooling point worksheet







Candle Wax





Connections Across The Curriculum:


            This lesson could fall underneath learning temperatures and what happens when the temperature rises and falls. Also this lesson could help a student that is struggling with a computer because it will allow them to practice their abilities with the computer.


Instructional Sequence:


Introduction of the topic:

Prior to this lesson the class will already have had a lesson on solids and liquids. Also they will already have learned temperatures and what exactly they are and how they can alter what happens to a liquid and solid. The class will begin with an explanation of the differences between solids, liquids, and gasses and why different temperatures can alter the states of objects to review. This will be done on the overhead projector with PowerPoint. The students will receive definitions of the following words: Solids, liquids, gasses, melting point, and cooling point. They will record the definitions in their Journals.



Students will then be assigned a partner and together they will explore the interactive website

The website has different objects in which the students can drag into the beaker     and both heat and cool them.

As they heat each object the melting point in degrees Celsius is shown. The           cooling point in degrees Celsius is also given when tested.

Students write down the melting and cooling point of each object on the     worksheet given.

Students also answer the questions on the back of the worksheet that compare       the melting and cooling points of the objects to one another.

This website also has a quiz that the students can take after exploring the   website and write down their scores.

To assess the students’ knowledge of the topic, they will do the quiz individually             instead of in pairs.

There are 10 questions that they will answer and they will record their score out    of ten.

All students can retake the quiz a second time to improve their score and record     it next to the first score.

The teacher will walk around the room as the students are taking the quiz to           answer any questions they may have.



- The students will come together as a class once everyone has finished the quiz     and the teacher will guide the students in going over the worksheet that            was completed in pairs.

- The teacher may answer questions during this time.

- The teacher then goes over the quiz in class, shows the right answers and why,    and answers any questions the students may have.




            The teacher will be able to see if the objective were met by looking at the scores that the students received when individually working on the quiz section of the website. The worksheet is also a good way for the teacher to assess whether the students understood the topic at hand, by seeing how each student responded to the questions asked.





Planning for Learner Variability:


Headphones so students who have trouble comprehending directions can listen to the descriptions or directions the website gives instead of them reading it all. For students need more support in concentration, the headphones can aid in blocking out noise other students are making that could distract them.


Teacher reads directions out loud for worksheet and gives a short summary of what to do with the website.


For non-native English speakers, the worksheet can be written in their native language and a classroom aide who speaks their language can help them if needed.


Sources Utilized in the Design Process:


            Website for Interactive Lab:             


Application of Course Content:


This lesson incorporates options for students that are visual learners to really show their strength. Also working in pairs will help each student really find out what intelligence they exactly have a strength in compared to their partner. So they will see what they are capable of and find out what they need to work on. Spatial learner will excel in this lesson because they will be doing what they love, which is experiments and visualizing and also interacting with the lab.