About Me

Hey class I'm Mr. Sullivan! I graduated from Westfield State University majoring in Early Childhood Education and Liberal Arts with a concentration in Psychology. I grew up in Carver, Massachusetts which is located near Plymouth for those who do not know where Carver is. I love the outdoors and being on the water. Also I am a huge Red Sox fan and Patriots fan as well. Growing up my family owned a house up here in Richmond, Maine where I met and became close with so many nice inviting people. I love it up here in Maine and always dreamed to live up here one day. As a first year teacher I am so stoked to see what this exciting year has in store for me.
If you have any questions please feel free to email or call me at anytime on the addresses given below:
Email: csullivan123@centerstreetelm.com
Phone: 123-456-7890 HOME PAGE