Miss Boucher

Hello boys and girls!
My name is Anna Boucher and I am happy to announce that I am one of your 2nd grade teachers. I graduated from Westfield State University with a degree in Elementary Education and Liberal Studies with a concentration in Mathematics.
Favorite Color: Blue
Favorite Sport: Swimming
Favorite Animal: Elephant
Favorite Food: Bacon
Favorite Place to Visit: The Beach
I am so excited to see what this year has in store for us! If you need to contact me with any questions my email is aboucher8042@westfield.ma.edu
Miss O'Leary

Hi all!
My name is Kristen O'Leary and I am thrilled to be one of your second grade teachers! I graduated from Westfield State University with a degree in Elementary Education and Liberal Studies and a concentration in Reading. I grew up in Walpole, Massachusetts with my parents and two brothers. Outside of the classroom, I enjoy swimming, traveling, reading, being with my family and friends and watching Patriot's games! I am looking forward to a wonderful year with all of you! If you ever need to contact me after school feel free to send me an email at koleary2057@westfield.ma.edu
Miss Arsenault

    My name is Miss Arsenault. I graduated from Westfield State University with a degree in Elementary Education and a Major in Psychology. My favorite thing to do on the weekends is to go hiking. I have two dogs at home but my dream animal to have as a pet would a bear cub. If I could live off of any food for the rest of my life it would be salad because you can put anything you want into a salad, so the variety would always be there. My dream location/vacation is anywhere near the mountains.In fact, I spend the summer in NH up on lake Winnipesaukee at a summer camp where I can swim, hike, and make s’mores all the time! It is surrounded by mountains and is absolutely beautiful! My favorite part of working with kids is the “ah-ha!!” moment when a subject or idea clicks and everything makes sense!