Teacher Resources
For all of my colleagues I put together a list of websites that I find extremely helpful in the classroom.
 Check them out and maybe they'll give you some new ideas!


The Massachusetts Department of Education website provides a list of the current curriculum frameworks, to ensure teachers are following state guidelines.


When you are stuck on trying to figure out how to teach a particular lesson you can use this website for ideas and inspiration.


A great site to find videos to supplement your lesson without having to sift through You Tube.


Ed helper provides teachers with books and other reading-level appropriate material for their


This site not only gives teachers printable themed lesson plans, it also gives them the opportunity to make their own sheets to go along with the lesson they are teaching.

No teacher is ever really finished creating their classroom and Lake Shore is a great place to order new materials to make your room the best possible learning environment.


As you probably guessed by the name, this website is the best place to go to find songs to use in your lessons. There are songs for all grades and subjects to help make some material easier to remember.
