Example Lesson Plan

   Unit Topic or Theme: Math

   Grade: 2

    Lesson Topic or Theme: Money

   Lesson Objectives:

1.    Students will be able to distinguish different coins.

2.    Students will be able to determine the value of coins.

3.    Students will be able to apply addition skills to find the value of different combinations of coins.

   Instructional Technique:

              1.Group Work


              3.Examples on white board

   Instructional Materials:

              1. http://www.smartygames.com/igre/math/learnMoney.html

              2. Coins

              3. Do you have enough money? Worksheet for in class completion

              4. Coin addition homework sheet.

   Theoretical Perspective:

This is an important lesson for children because it is applicable to everyday life. They will need an understanding of money and coins for the rest of their lives to buy and sell items.


A.   Introductory Activity

a.    Hand out coins to students.

b.    Ask the students if they recognize any of the coins or know the value of the coins.

c.    Explain the names and value of coins.

d.    Discuss what coins are used for and why they are important in everyday life.


B.   Step-by-step

a.    Handout worksheet with online activity directions and have students log onto the website.

b.    Give students time to explore the website and participate in the coin addition activity.

c.    Following the time given to play the game, have students return to their seats with any questions they have.

C. Review the problems they were responsible for during the online activity on the board and address any questions that students have.

D. Adaptations for different learners: Students who are struggling will be allowed use of the real coins while doing the online problems.

E. Homework: Worksheet of example coin addition problems.


A. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

1.    Students will be able to distinguish different coins.

After comparing students knowledge of the names of coins prior to the online lesson and their knowledge during the review at the end of class I will be able to see if students can name a coin after seeing it.


2.    Students will be able to determine the value of coins.

After comparing students knowledge of the values of coins prior to the online lesson and their knowledge during the review at the end of class I will be able to see if students can name the value of a coin after seeing it.



3.    Students will be able to apply addition skills to find the value of different combinations of coins.

The students will be required to complete a worksheet for homework with additional coin problems. By reviewing the homework sheet the following day in class I will be able to evaluate what students are still confused about and what needs further review.

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