Today's Science lesson!

Lesson Plan

Subject: Science

Grade Level: 3rd grade

Topic: Water Cycle


  • Students will be able to identify the different stages of the water cycle.

  • Students will be able to describe what happens during each stage of the water cycle.

Instructional methods: The teacher will hand out the worksheet and pair students up to work together.Then the students will get a computer for them and their partner. Once all the students are settled the teacher will read the step by step instructions on how to get to the website. After that, before the students get started on the lesson the teacher will continue to read the rest of the directions on the worksheet to make sure the students understand what is expected of them. Once the students are off on their own the teacher will walk around the classroom to monitor student progress and answer any more questions that may come up. Once all the students have finished reading the lesson and finished all the activities that go along, as a class the students will talk about what they learned and go over the worksheet. The teacher will then summarize what they students have learned about the water cycle through lecture.

Instructional materials: computer, worksheet, coloring materials to draw the water cycle, pencil,

Theoretical Perspective: Understanding the water cycle is an important life skill that many people have. It is important to know that the water we have on earth circulates around through different stages and we do not just accumulate more. Water goes from the ground to the sky and back around again.

Procedure: The interactive website will be used as an introduction for students to the water cycle. Students will go through the first 8 slides. On those slides they will learn about the different stages of the water cycle. Once students have completed the reading they will do the interactive activities that follow. There are three and they correspond with the worksheet. Students will work on this paper with a partner. Together they will match up vocab words to the correct picture, draw a diagram of the water cycle, and define the water cycle vocab words. Once all the students in the class are done we will go over the worksheet as a class and do an overview of what we have learned in today’s lesson about the water cycle.

Opening: Go through the first 8 slides on the water cycle interactive website. They are filled with definitions and facts about the different stages of the water cycle. Students will learn the names and what the different stages of the water cycle are

Middle: Students will complete a worksheet that goes along with the interactive activities on the website that follow the facts about the water cycle.

Closure: Students and the teacher will go over the worksheet and talk about what was learned in that lesson. The teacher will then give a lecture summarizing the stages of the water cycle and the importance of each of these stages.

Adaptations for learning needs: Students will be paired up by the teacher. This will allow the teacher to pair a student who may be struggling with a student who is strong in science and can assist them during this lesson.

Evaluation: Students will be assessed on how well they know the content of the water cycle based off of how they did on the worksheet. Activities 2 and 3 are each worth 4 points. 1 point per question. The first section the student automatically gets 4 points as long as they fill in how many tries it took them. I will be able to tell if they met the goals of the objectives if they correctly defined term and drew the correct picture for each vocabulary term in this section.The teacher will also get an idea about what students know from the discussion they have at the end of the lesson.

Concerns: I am concerned I will not know how many tries it takes the students to get the right answer and if they are just guessing or actually thinking about what they put for the answer.


Name: _________________________                       Date: ____________


How to get to the website:

Step 1: Type in the link at the top of the page

Step 2: Type your first name into the box on the first page of the website

Step 3: Read and go through the online lesson on the water cycle. When the page on the bottom right hand corner flashes yellow and you’re done reading, click it to move onto the next page.

Step 4: On page 8 begin doing the activities that go along with the water cycle lesson.

Step 5: Complete the worksheet that goes along with the activities at the end of the Water Cycle lesson.

Activity 1-

How many tries did it take you to put Dan on the right picture that matches the term?

Condensation: ______

Precipitation: ______

Evaporation: ______

Collection: _____

Activity 2-

Think about the picture that was on the page before. Put the images where they belong on the page. Draw a picture in the box below of what your picture looks like when you are finished.

Activity 3:

Match the vocabulary word with the correct definition.

  1. Happens when water from clouds                                                       A. Precipitation

             enters the bodies of water. ______

  1. Happens when the vapor in the air gets                                              B. Evaporation

            cold and changes back to liquids, forming clouds. ____

  1. Happens when enough water has condensed                                      C.Condensation

            in the form of clouds that the air cannot hold anymore. ____

  1. Happens when the sun heats up the                                                    D. Collection

            earth’s bodies of water and creates vapor. ____

Congratulations! You have completed the water cycle!!!!

** Do not print certificate when you finish