Create customized lessons based on TED Talks engaging
videos. This site gives you the option to use pre-made
lessons, tweak existing lessons to your liking, or create
your own lesson from scratch.
A game based learning platform that's perfect for class
reviews and keeps the whole class engaged (requires all
students in the class to have a device that gives them
access to the internet). This site is free and easy to
use. Choose from pre-made quizzes or create your own.
Create and use whiteboard and screen-casting tools to
record and share lessons that students will have access to
whenever they need it, or you can have students create and
upload videos to demonstrate what they've learned.
With this site you can invite students to join a "class"
where they will have access to class discussion blogs,
assignments, grades, and messages/updates from you.
This site is free and easy to use. You can create, manage,
and assess rubrics to go along with your assignments. This
gives students a better understanding of what content is
expected and how the assignments will be graded.
Bring all of your files together in one space. This site
is super helpful because it's your own personal cloud that
you can access anytime, anywhere.
Teachers can project content found on HippoCampus
(educational multimedia content - videos, animations,
simulations, and other credible information) during
classroom learning. This site is also perfect for computer
lab assignments or homework.