This is one of our favorite lesson plans, the subject of Geography. 

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Lesson Topic: Theme: United States; States and Capitals.

Lesson Objectives:

a.The students will be able to identify all 50 states.

b.The students will be able to correctly label the eight regions that are discussed in class.

c. The students will be able to match each capital with their corresponding state.

Instructional Technique: Lecture, demonstration, independent work, and worksheets (3)

Instructional Materials: Worksheet #1, will color coding regions which directions will be verbally explained and showed. Worksheet #2, will be the state guideline sheet that will be filled out by using the online resource. Worksheet #3, will be the capitals guideline sheet that will be filled out by using the online resource.

Theoretical Perspective: It is important to know all 50 states incase if a student were ever able to travel to different states. Also, all 50 states are connected to each other by our government. Everyone should be able to recognize the location and capitals of where government decision occur within a country and states. This is important because when growing up in the United States society invisions everyone in the U.S. being whole. Seeing where each state lies with the given capital it allows for a deeper understanding of why, all of these places have their individual importance which make our country is a whole.


Introductory Activity: To start the lesson, the teacher will provide a picture of a map of the United States onto the Smartboard. The teacher will reintroduce the states and regions. The teacher will then give out worksheet #1 and explain the regions within United States. Students will then color code and label the eight given regions as the teacher does on the smartboard.


After the introductory activity, the teacher should handout worksheets #2 and #3. The teacher will explain how to startup the computer and get online. The teacher will then instruct the students to go to the bookmarked website. Once, the students are onto the website, the teacher should instruct them to click onto the states games which is level 1 beginner (it is located in the middle column and the second one down). Once the students have found the game, the teacher should explain that in the center of the screen above the map a state will be proved  you will have to select the right state in the corresponding region. With your worksheet #2, if you get a state wrong please write the name of the state in the region its located. Once the students have gone through all of the states, students should write their overall grade on the worksheet in the provided space. The overall grade is provided right below the game, please note the students should wait until they have completed their game to write their grade.

After the students have completed the states game, they will play the capital game which is worksheet #3.

To get to the capital game, tell the students to press the back arrow to get back to the original page that we started on. The teacher will the instruct the student to clock on the Capital game 2 - immediate (which can be located in the first column and the third one down). The teacher should explain that the capital that is needed to be selected will be provided above the map. With worksheet #3, if student select the incorrect state which does not match with the capital then student should write down the capital in the corresponding region on the worksheet. Once the students go through all the capitals, student should write their final grade in the provided area. Students should write their grade after they have gone through the entire game.

Adaptations for different learners:

    1. For a student that struggles with staying on topic, they would be able to do one of two things. One, work with a partner and take turns playing the game while his/her partner writes down which ones he/she is getting wrong, and then switching roles after the game is completed. Also for a second option, the student could wait till the end of the game and the ones that were incorrect are highlighted in red, and he/she could go and fill in the worksheet after completing the game.

    2. For a student with learning disabilities, they can first play the tutorial (which is at the top of each column) that the website has to offer, to eliminate the stress of getting all of the correct answer.

    3. For students that struggles with reading should work with a partner/aid to help read the correct state and or capital. If students are uncomfortable jumping right into the game they may play the tutorial first before entering the games. (which is at the top of each column)

Closure: After both games are completed the teacher may instruct for the students to finish up and if students finish early they can continue to play on the website and look at the other types of games. Also after all students are done with the games the teacher will have a class discussion on “which states the students would want to visit and why?”.

Homework: The teacher should assign the students to practice the game at home. Please note that on the top of the worksheet #2 and #3 the link to the game is provided. If kids would like to challenge themselves to try the harder levels which are located in the directions.

Ways to Evaluate:

    1. How/ when will you determine if you have met your objectives?

      1. The teacher will determine if our objectives are met because we will look at the three worksheets. For objective A, it will be determined by looking at worksheet #2, looking to see what percent they got on the game. For objective b, the teacher will look at the introductory activity to see if the labeling and color coding is correct. For objective c, the teacher will be able to determine because of worksheet #3, by looking at the percent that the students got on the game. This would be ways for the teacher to make sure that the objectives are met in the lesson.

    2. Concerns or questions you have about teaching this lesson?

      1. Some concerns a teacher could have is that the internet might not work or that the website will not work, or even if the computers were not updated enough to work. Also if the students do not work well on the computer. A question a teacher might have would be how to set up all the computers to work for the students.